Institute for Computational Science and Artificial Intelligence (COSARI) of Van Lang University, was established on 01/10/2022 to perform the main functions:
Carry out scientific research activities, transfer science and technology, graduate training, international cooperation and participate in the operation of international journals of the University in the field of computational science and artificial intelligence.
Attract and develop a team of elite scientists.
Implement projects, consulting services, short-term training and other services in areas where the COSARI has strengths.
At the beginning, COSARI has 30 fulltime researchers, 10 fulltime assistant researchers, more than 10 parttime researchers and 11 research laboratories:
Laboratory for Computational Mechanics (Lab CME).
Laboratory for Applied and Industrial Mathematics (Lab AIM).
Laboratory for Chemical Computation and Modeling (Lab CCM).
Laboratory for Computational Physics (Lab CMP).
Laboratory for HI-TECH Applications (Lab HTA).
Laboratory of Environmental Sciences and Climate Change (Lab ESCC).
Laboratory for Computational Mechatronics (Lab COME).
Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence (Lab AI).
Laboratory for Advanced Nanomaterials and Sustainable Energy Technologies (Lab ANSET).
Laboratory for Computational Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Lab CEEE).
Laboratory for Computational Civil Engineering (Lab CCE).